Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Data Monetization - Introduction

Monetizing Data Analytics

Monetizing data is the process that turning data into money which can also indicate to data used as a product or services enhancement or bartering device. Other definition of data monetizing is generating revenue by using available data sources or data that streaming in real time by discover, storage, capture, analysis and use of that data.

Companies realized that having huge amount of data becomes very valuable assets. They have been looking to ways to increase that value of data. There are some conditions for monetizing data: having huge amount of structured and unstructured; decreasing costs of storage; create relevant customer experiences by using marketing campaigns that depends on data and finally applying data analytics in order to improve business intelligence and processes.

Companies need to understand their data to know the value behind it. Data is stored in different forms such as texts or posts in social media. whenever data is easily accessible and in a scalable format, companies can easily get advantage of it. Also, companies need to ensure that their data is structured in order to extract marketable and relevant perceptions.

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