Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Monetizing Data Analytics

In previous post I wrote a brief introduction of data monetization. In this post I will add some details 
about data analytics monetization.  

Companies and retailers are working together with wireless carriers in order to gain insights into geo-location data, customers movements at shopping stores are getting tracked and companies are using that data to make marketing campaigns programs that are loyalty designed on relevant and frequency.

Nowadays, data is becoming easily available and gathered in digital world than ever before. Companies or retailers have the ability to track customers’ transactions and interactions across  different channels and devices and invest in their data in new and innovative ways.

According to Chris Twogood, usually, monetizing data is indirect action. starts by making the operation run in efficient way, '' incentivizing certain types of behavior, or revealing the true value of an asset.'' Each company has their own way to monetize their data. and he identified five essential ways that can move companies to monetize their data:

1.      Start with Questions: companies usually start by looking to the data. They need first asking their staff about questions that give the right level of detail in the right time which give the most impact performance. by asking these questions would help the companies evaluate whether they have enough data or they need more data.

2.      Look for Patterns: Professor Russell Walker of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University identifies trends of big data that indicate to patterns for monetizing data. At the Teradata Partners conference, Walker examined how the velocity of data, new forms of precision, and opportunities for fusing different data sets can lead to data monetization.

3.      Search for External Data: According to Chris Twogood, large organizations should dedicate one team member to searching for valuable external data.

4.      Sharpen the skills of analytics: by using traditional methods, big data becomes impossible to analyze data probationary, companies must comprehend the nature of machine learning and advanced analytics. monetizing data will become easy to apply by understanding of machine learning and advanced analytics.

5.      Understand the identity of data monetization

6.      In order to find ways for data monetization, organization should understand the role they play. an expert consumer of data, an aggregator, or the creator of a new data product. Each organization has their own goals and objective which lead them to find the right way to monetize data.

" the two researchers from Gartner, Doug Laney an Olive Hung define monetizing data as actions as direct like traded or data sold or indirect like data that becomes the foundations for new product or services offerings "

Examples of companies that is successfully built data monetization opportunities.

- Wal-Mart by Retail Link trading portal

- Alibaba by targeted personal finance offerings

Barbara H. Wixom, principal research scientist at the MIT Center for Information Systems Research mentions in her research "Cashing in on your Data," 2014 three methods of data monetization which are selling, bartering or wrapping.

retailers have been selling data for years with data of loyal customers or point-of-sale which is new income flows to the company.

retailers have been selling data for years with data of loyal customers or point-of-sale which is new income flows to the company.

According to Wixom, when bartering, reports or benchmark metrics are services for data exchanged.

To sum up, according to Wixom's report "companies that include data offerings with their products at no added charge are wrapping products in data. The desired outcomes of wrapping include increased market share, wallet share, switching costs and prices."

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